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NPF«VSI» and NPF «Pokrova» – leaders in terms of profitability for June

Two non-state pension funds, the assets of which are managed by AMC “Vsesvit”, NPF “VSI” and NPF “Pokrova” took the first places in terms of profitability (indicator of growth of the net value of a unit of pension assets) for June among 56 non-state pension funds as of 06/30/2023. according to the Ukrainian Association of Investment Business.

In particular, the net profitability for people after deducting all costs amounted to +3.59% for the NPF “ALL” and +1.38% for the NPF “POKROVA” in June.

According to UAIB data, the total net asset value (NAV) of non-state pension funds as of June 30, 2023 was UAH 2,542.87 million. The growth of PFA for the month amounted to UAH 26.23 million, which indicates the revival of the NPF market, the resumption of contributions by depositors to their own benefit, as well as the resumption of contributions by companies to the benefit of their employees.

Yaroslav Savchenko, director of AMC Vsesvit comments: “The significant increase in the value of assets of funds under the management of AMC Vsesvit took place due to the increase in the price of Eurobonds and GDP-warrants of Ukraine, which are included in the assets of the funds.

Also, the dynamics of the value of shares of foreign issuers was extremely positive. The value of share portfolios in the assets of pension funds under our management increased by an average of +5.4% in June.

Of course, the profitability for one month is not indicative, but the funds under our management consistently demonstrate high results and exceptional resilience during crises. And the results of June show that broad diversification of assets ensures the availability of “growth reserves”, which during the improvement of the situation, when investors’ sentiments change, give a higher return than purely fixed-income instruments. We include such reserves in the portfolios of pension funds, ensuring their widest possible diversification, even now, when opportunities for investing pension assets in Ukraine are extremely limited.

World experience shows that this is the best way to protect funds if you want to keep them for a long time.”

For reference: Data on fund profitability are taken from the monthly reviews of non-state pension fund activities of the Ukrainian Association of Investment Business.

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